IEP Frequently Asked Questions in New Jersey

An IEP, or an Individualized Education Program, is a document designed individually for each public school student who receives special education and related services.
Getting an experienced attorney can help you figure out your IEP, as well as make the process smoother overall. The special education attorneys in Freehold, NJ at Susan Clark Law Group are ready to help you.
Question 1
My son’s progress report was blank for March through June, indicating “unable to assess due to COVID-19 school closing.” How do I determine how far he has progressed and where does he begin in the new year?
It is incumbent on the school district to assess your son’s progress regardless of the pandemic. There were no exemptions made in the Federal or State laws regarding special education. If school was closed, the district had to do whatever was necessary to assess your son’s progress toward the goals and objectives of his IEP to the greatest extent possible.
Question 2
My daughter’s IEP is due for a re-evaluation soon. What must I do to prepare for CST meeting, given how this past school year ended.
Several things must be done before this meeting. First, you should request a Regression Evaluation must be completed by the school district as soon as possible. Without the results of this evaluation, the meeting should not start. In addition, you should ask for a new Educational Evaluation. If it is denied due to the recency of the previous one, ask to have an Independent Educational Evaluation. This is necessary because the effects of the school closings and resulting social distancing could have dire effects on your daughter’s education. The CST should be aware of any such effects.
Question 3
The CST does not want the goals and objectives to be so specific as to require such detailed timed progress as described.
Progress reports must indicate the level made toward the goals and objectives. To simply state “satisfactory progress,” or “less than satisfactory progress,” does not you or the staff any information on what Immediate adjustments should be made to your child’s IEP. Adjacent to the PG, PS, PI, or NA, is a section entitled “Report of Progress.” This is where it should be explained what adjustments should be made to your child’s IEP. If you are taking a trip in a car, it is insufficient for your GPS to tell you that “you have left the planned route.” You must be told what to do to resume toward your original destination (goal).
Contact an Experienced NJ IEP Attorney
Planning and figuring out your child’s IEP is never an easy task. Let us help you take the pressure off of you. Don’t hesitate – contact the New Jersey IEP attorneys at Susan Clark Law Group today. We are here to help you with any issues you and your child may be facing when it comes to special education in New Jersey.