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Susan Clark Law Group COVID-19 Update

Published March 24, 2020 by Susan Clark Law Group LLC
Important COVID-19 Update To Our Clients And Families With Children With Disabilities

At Susan Clark Law Group, we understand that the coronavirus (COVID-19) is hitting families and children with special needs the hardest. Families are struggling financially, and children who desperately need structure and critical services are at home without those services. We can help. You can contact us at (732) 637-5248 or via email at

Our law firm wants to help schools and families work together to find solutions that allow children to receive equitable access to education and the services that support them without weakening or undoing all of their civil and educational rights. We know some school districts are working hard to provide services even in these challenging times. We applaud those districts. Unfortunately, we also see some districts completely dropping the ball.

The Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates, Inc. (COPAA) reports that negotiations are underway in Congress to provide an additional stimulus package in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. They are actively working with members of Congress on behalf of children with disabilities and appreciate those who contacted federal policymakers to ask that they not waive requirements under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) at this time.

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act  provides an infusion of cash to key industries, support for health care providers/health care systems and more. The bill includes a provision that directs Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos to report back to Congress within 30 days on the waivers needed under the IDEA and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504). The bill also gives the Secretary broad waiver authority over the Higher Education Act (HEA), the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and Carl D. Perkins education laws. However, this is not the time to abandon children through waivers, which allow schools and districts to abdicate their responsibilities. We must help schools and families work together to find solutions that allow children to receive equitable access to an education and the services that support them without weakening or undoing all of their civil and educational rights.

At Susan Clark Law Group, we understand that we are operating in unprecedented times and the stress that we all feel is immeasurable. We are working with school districts to find solutions to ensure the health and safety of the community as well as the needs of our clients.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to provide important guidance about what we all can do to protect ourselves and others from exposure. (Visit the CDC website for the most up-to-date information and recommendations.)

To learn more about your child’s educational rights during the COVID-19 outbreak, you can visit the IDEA website for updated questions and answers. If you need help, please call us at (732) 637-5248 or via email at We offer free consultations.

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